Peter 4 was the passage my husband and I chose to read with our coffee today
and in it Peter begins by reminding us of the suffering that Christ endured. He
makes the bold claim that the one who suffers in life is finished with sin because
he has stopped trying to get all of the pleasure out of life for himself and
turned his focus to doing God’s will (which is not always very pleasant). He
challenges us to be hospitable and intently love one another while speaking God’s
love into the lives of those around us. He tells us not to be surprised when
life turns against us for doing this but to rejoice that we have the
opportunity to do God’s will. He tells us in these times we should “entrust [ourselves] to a faithful Creator.”
reading this I felt very guilty for feeling sorry for myself. I began to
realize that with every bad thing that has happened over the last few weeks has
come an opportunity to show the strength of God’s love to others. How blessed
am I to not just witness, but to have the chance to be a part of the miraculous
work that God is doing? How can I take the next negative situation that comes
into my life and turn it into a chance to speak God’s word and love into
someone else’s life? And how clear is God’s faithfulness when things go wrong
yet I am still cared for through His provision?
please help me to trust in Your faithfulness when things go wrong. Thank You
for Your great love and providing me with the opportunity to show Your love to
others in my life. Help me to continue to become the person You made me to be.